The Sosnovy Bor sanatorium – we care about the most important things!

The Sosnovy Bor sanatorium is one of the best in our country and is known not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. This is a modern climatic-balneological sanatorium located in an ecologically clean area on the shores of a mineral lake, surrounded by magnificent coniferous forest.

Имеется природный лечебный фактор – скважина с сульфатно-хлоридно-натриевой минеральной слабощелочной водой.

В санатории есть все необходимое для лечения и отдыха: чистый лесной воздух, целебный микроклимат, прекрасно оборудованный лечебный корпус, опытные врачи, отличный сервис, прекрасный уровень обслуживания, развитая инфраструктура, развлечения.

Санаторий располагает самым современным  лечебно-диагностическим оборудованием. Прием и консультации ведут высококвалифицированные специалисты, которые используют все достижения медицинской науки.

We direct all our experience and efforts to improving the medical base of the sanatorium, introducing effective methods of treatment, and constantly updating the fleet of medical equipment.

We also constantly carry out works on beautification of territory and improve the interior of the housings.

The main goal of our sanatorium, to which we strive and constantly bring it to life, is to make every vacationer of the sanatorium feel as comfortable as possible. So that every person who has undergone a course of treatment, takes from us to his home only health and pleasant memories of being in our sanatorium.